
It's no secret. I am not a fan of musicals. This is the point in a conversation where I'm usually cussed out because of my distaste. I try to like them, really I do. I've watched several, in large part thanks to Matt and his intense love for musical theater. But it's just not for me. I'm lame. Fine. Whatever. (Side note: I somehow really like the show Smash and that show is all about musicals. Explain that one.)

So musicals and I are like cats and dogs, oil and water, anchovies and hot fudge. (I was running out of analogies.) I do, however, enjoy a good dance party. And in this house we dance party like the best of them. 

There is usually tricks involved too. As well as costumes.

Here CJ demonstrates her favorite dance party ensemble; pajamas, Cinderella dress, a Batgirl belt, sparkly shoes and a girl can't forget her liptsick.

When you cannot find your dance party ribbons, a kitchen hand towel substitutes nicely.

Kate was really enjoying herself. And once I saw this photo I realized she was making the same silly dance party face that Dina makes seen here... 

We get a little goofy sometimes.


it's good to have fun and burn some calories at the same time : )

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