
For the past couple of days I've been working on this post about Florida and lemon trees and bad guys (sounds interesting, right?) but it just isn't coming together. So I'm bailing on creativity and instead tossing in pictures from the week. Because sometimes pictures tell a better story than the thoughts in my head.

 Notice a foot in the background. That's Kate performing ballet moves. The girls love to dance. Although I'd call it intrerpretive performances.

While the big kids dances, this one can usually be found walking around with something over her head and covering her eyes. I like to imagine she's working on her senses as opposed to performing her interpretation of a drunk guy with a lamp shade on his head.

What I really should be doing is laundering of busing the lunch dishes from our dining room table but once I got the wee one to nap I knew my body wasn't passing go. It's going to find it's way to the couch and sit for awhile. Sister can wear a mama out!


 I dress this girl in pants and she takes them off as soon as I'm not looking. Not a healthy sign.

Several of our plans this week took a wrong turn. Initially I was disappointed but we made our own silver lining and had some fun with bouncy tents, lunch out with friends, impromptu trips to the library...

A weekend filled with Prom dress shopping, basketball games, a Superbowl party, Buffalo Wild Wings (hello, Jalapeno!) and so much more waits for us around the corner. Let the festivities begin!


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