the bend and snap...

Do you remember the movie "Legally Blonde" where Reese Witherspoon's character teaches these beauty salon patrons the most ridiculous move to grab a man's attention? It was called the bend and snap. I'm one thousand percent sure it wouldn't only turn a man's head, it would also make him run the other direction. This week I've felt like I'm bending and snapping, and not in a good way. It's more like I bend to the right to accomplish all of task A only to quickly bend the other way for task B while task C is pulling me in a whole new direction of it's own. And now with the weekend light peeking over the horizon I unfortunately see more bending and I'm pretty certain I am just about to snap. Like a stick thrown over someone's knee I can only bend so far before I snap in two.

CJ willingly eating veggies is always reason to find the camera.

It seems to me an invisible, fine line exists between volunteering and over extending yourself. Despite it's invisibility you know when the line has been crossed. And once you cross it, that line magically transforms from invisible to a painfully obvious neon, 1980's Cyndi Lauper pink. This week I tripped hard over the line and fell flat on my face with a thud...or a snap. I've spent more time away from my girls then with them. And that's not exactly what I had in mind when I left my career to raise them.

No is quickly becoming my new favorite word. Sure, volunteerism is important and yes, I will continue to volunteer but I'm beginning to learn my limits. And said limit has been surpassed.

I still have a month or so of over-the-line activities to complete but then I plan to let the word no fly out of my mouth as often as I please. I see nothing wrong with life moving slow. I can't wait for my 'no' phase to begin!


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