zero to sixty...

It's no secret. Iowa is soaking up another gorgeous winter day with highs in the upper 40s. It's days like this that we pull on the rain boots and leisurely make our way to school. After dropping off Kate I gave CJ non-verbal permission to move at her own pace as we made our way home. I stood back and let her stroll. And I discovered her pace is s-l-o-w. Like molasses slow. At one point I moved to the side so an ant carrying an earthworm carrying a granny with a walker could pass by. I watched a good half inch snow melt before I even caught a glimpse of our house. The first 55 minutes I was patient and actually enjoyed watching CJ explore that same chunk of ice again and again or crawl on her knees through a puddle of muddy water but eventually I was patient no more. And while I didn't gripe at her I created ideas to move her forward. "OH, can you jump over this ice mountain?" "CJ look at that stick up there. I'll race you to it?" Thank goodness my games worked.

Now that we're finally home and enjoying some indoor time I am quickly reminded that s-l-o-w is not her typical stride.

I guess it's just a good reminder to find joy at whatever pace life moves, because despite the early afternoon granny pace, she has now transitioned into a Star Trek-like warp speed. How quickly kids change.


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