party on, Wayne...

Like the rest of Iowa, we were shocked into winter this past Wednesday. Around noon that day the girls and I walked to school with coats unzipped and a springy spring in our step. CJ later took a nap and when she awoke we pulled on boots, mittens and scarves. This isn't news. Winter has finally arrived and we are all well aware. I was really enjoying the unseasonably warm temps but winter's arrival was timely. We are about to begin Kate's birthday celebrations and a January birthday should really involve snow and sledding.

While she won't reach the ripe old age of five until next week, her excitement began several months ago. Today I hung the rainbow birthday banner I made for her and this has only ramped up the anticipation.

Yes, that's a book in our fireplace. It's a long, cold story.

Countless seasoned moms have warned that days with children are long but the years are short. I never bought into that baloney until I woke up and realized Kate is almost five. FIVE!? Five is the beginning of a new chapter. I'm excited but astonished that she has transformed from teeny tiny to big girl.

1 1/2 years old 

4 years, last year's birthday party...and she really has more than 3 fingers on each hand

Five is a big number and worthy of a celebration. We are planning a rainbow theme complete with tie-dye rainbow cake and homemade ice cream. It's going to be a good weekend.

Let the celebrating begin!


The banner is beautiful! You must have had a productive afternoon. :o) Have a fun weekend!

P.S. My afternoon consisted of taking Lincoln to the doctor and discovering he has an ear infection. No nap again. :o(
I'd love to be at Kate's party. Her card is on the way and I think it will be there Tueday. We had snow last night and it is white everywhere.
Hope the celebrations go well.. sounds like fun!

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