Learning and listing...

The warm start to winter fooled me good. I actually started to believe that our almost 100 year old house with it's original windows and open NW corner was somehow not too bad in the winter. Just when I started to truly believe it, the real winter arrived. And I've been wearing 8 layers of socks ever since. 

Each year I learn one or two more things about our house. How to keep out the cold air, what that weird, mysterious light switch leads to, why does the electrical for the bedroom sconce run to the garage? The more I learn about the house, the more I love it here.

My little girls reveal new things to me all the time too. And it gets me excited. I feel like I get to know their spicy personalities a little better every day. They still throw me for a loop. Like this kissy-kissy, we-share-all-of-our-toys phase that recently ended and a shoving match phase ensued. But this phase too will pass. 

 This is a favorite game: lay on the floor while Mom throws a blanket on top.

Some days I look at Kate and I can envision her grown up. And then I think, "What the heck, Sarah! She just turned 5. Get a grip!"

I hate to get all sappy, sentimental but that's just how I roll sometimes. I cry at sad movies and I feel mushy about my girls.

A little corn syrupy emotional outburst never hurt anyone, especially when it's over the sweetness of your kids. This my blog, I can get sugary if I want to.


Friday's snow day led to lots of lists. We had a running list of things to accomplish. A list of things to cheer up someone we love. A list of City Council things that need to be looked at. A list of goodies I've been wanting to make and subsequently eat. We crossed off a lot of those to-dos and it feels good. Probably one of the best items on the list was play time with these two. When we all get along, they're pretty darn fun.

Speaking of to-dos. I'm debating whether to make some digital scrapbooks from Shutterfly for these two cuties. I haven't pulled the trigger on the project yet but I think it'd be a nice memory book for them someday. 

Speaking of to-dos, this blog post was on one of those lists. Somehow the days fly by before I knew they began and I then realize another blogging opportunity has slipped through my fingers. Blogging is a good outlet and it needs to be on my list more often. 

And now the next thing on my list is ice cream. Better go cross that one off.


Your home is very mysterious and interesting! I think it could be a blog in itself : ) Glad you found some indoor fun. It's always fun to see the smiles on the little ones' faces.
Speaking of cold, I have been attached to my electric blanket like a 1 year old to their blankie. It just helps to take the edge off as these old houses do get drafty.
Julie Ulven said…
Even when old houses get makeovers, they still get cold. There is a difference between the 1857 part and the 2005 part. So we stick to the new part on really cold days! Our house has smells like "old" that fluctuate with the temps. Odd. I think you could just have your blog printed up and made into a book. I have looked into doing that but never moved on it. 6 years is a lot of pages...but I do have it all it the archieves..

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