Worth it...

There are days when, despite my best intentions the night before, I awake long after I should. Matt will be showered and almost out the door while CJ and I are still rubbing our eyes and padding down the stairs. These days mean either I skip my shower until late in the day or I sneak away while the girls are distracted. Yesterday was one of those days. So when I decided I couldn't stand not showering I turned on a cartoon, slipped into the shower and was fully dressed before anyone noticed. And then I got a grand idea. Now fully showered and clean, I decided to forgo my usual chores of laundry, cleaning, making beds and instead grabbed the toy microphone and announced a big foot race was to occur in 2 minutes and all runners should report to the starting line. 

The three of us ran 22 races, running in circles from living room, dining room, kitchen, foyer, office and back again. We stopped for short breaks between runs to hydrate and then started all over again. Once we tired of running we danced on balance beams made of folded blankets, we practiced our somersaults and cartwheels, played several games of Go Fish and a never ending series of hide-and-go-seek. Two hours later we collapsed exhausted on the couch and Kate said, "Mom, that was so fun." And she's right, it really was. 

My girls won't remember all the hours I log laundering their dirty clothes or washing sippy cups but they will remember those trips down the twirly slide with mom chasing them close behind. I guess I've started to understand the legacy I leave with them shouldn't be about a spotless house but rather lots of moments of laughter with mom. And while some games (like Go Fish) may mentally kill me because they're so boring, at the end of the day their faces tell me the invested time was so worth it.


I do the same showering plan almost every Tuesday and Thursday. I deliberately turn off my alarm and don't get up until Lincoln does, then shower while both kids are watching a video. I was shocked this morning when I didn't wake up until 8:45am! I needed it, though, b/c I stayed up until 1:00am wrapping gifts in the basement. BTW--Emily was dressed and ready at 6:15am. She watched a lot of videos this morning. :op
Somedays I don't shower until nap time and those are the best because I can take my time and not worry, and usually by then I feel so gross I need a good hot shower.

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