This is not an "I heart Michele Bachmann" post...

Matt likes politics. And you have to admit, there is a real air of excitement when a Presidential candidate comes to town. Unless of course only ladies in crazy cat sweaters show up to ask questions about something Congress passed in 1910. But anyway, I'm off topic... So Matt has decided to introduce Dina to the world of American politics. 

Michele Bachmann is on a 99 county tour of Iowa this month and made a stop near us last night so Matt and Dina took off late afternoon to listen to her speak. Despite the fact that Matt is probably not supporting Michele Bachmann, he was impressed with her. She is intelligent, communicates clearly, argues her opinions well and even avoided making people look a fool when they asked really stupid questions. 

 Dina was awfully excited to get her picture with Michele.

I think it was a really good learning experience for Dina. She was surprised to hear how the American public, including political candidates, can so freely disagree and sometimes bad mouth those in office. There really is very little respect in American politics. From what I understand this is quite different than the political tone of Kuwait. Dina was also amazed to hear Michele Bachmann's stance on gun control. In fact, after Michele's speech Dina said, "Well, if she is elected president, the U.S. can save on bodyguards." That woman can defend herself. Michele Bachmann loves guns.

This blog post in by no means a political endorsement. We would take Dina to get her picture taken with Obama, or Ron Paul, Ghandi if any of them swung through LPC. Last night was all about experiences. And from talking to Dina, I think it was a good one.


glsgls said…
I am glad Dina has the good sense to support a Republican.

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