My Christmas wish...

Remember the other day when I said Christmas was in full swing around here? Well, it was and still is, but something else is in full swing as well. CJ, with all her cute smiles and giggles, has officially peaked (or at least I hope so!) in the "terrible twos." Like a shootout at high noon in the wild, wild west, it has been high drama as we face off lungs a blazin'. Yes, I said lungs because two year old children don't carry guns but they sure pack some heavy heat with their fake cries and real whines. It's all a phase and this too shall past.

CJ and I did have a few fun moments with each other yesterday while Kate was in school. We completed several puzzles and played hide and seek. CJ is a confident girl and argued with me on several topics, proclaiming herself right and me to be wrong. For example, while trying to place the "R" puzzle piece in the right spot, CJ insisted that the "R" is actually a "T." And when we painted nails later in the afternoon she argued that my red nail polish is actually daddy's. The girl wants to be right, even when she is oh so very wrong. I'm kind of proud of her persistence, even though she was clearly incorrect.

Whiny arguments aside, my CJ has a strong personality and I'm happy for it. She has an attitude all her own and tons of creativity. CJ, herself, I wouldn't trade for the world. Now this two-year old sassy-ness? I'll sell it to you at a bargain.


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