Lazy days...

The other day one my grandmas asked why the girls are always wearing pajamas in my pictures. I wondered if anyone would notice. It seems I snap most of our pictures in the early morning hours. Either that, or the girls and I are just lazy about getting dressed. Okay, you caught me. We're just lazy.

Quite honestly there are days the girls don't leave their pajamas until they absolutely must because either we're heading out for preschool or a playdate or because it's time to make supper and we don't want Dad to find us still in our pajamas. I'm sure the UPS man could share some stories about us.

Winter is good for laziness. And that's just the way we like it. (Oh, and it saves on laundry!)

Eating breakfast in pajamas...

Playing board games in pajamas...

Exploring boxes in pajamas...

Cleaning house in pajamas...

Pajama tea party...

Playing Go Fish in pajamas...

Pajamas in a bucket surrounded by Barbies...


Lazy days are the best... just enjoy them! Next year you will miss them.
I'd love to stay in my pj's too but we have to many guys stop by to see grandpa & I have to hide.

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