
This past Thursday night the girls, Matt and I painted our faces and cheered on the Junior Powder Puff football team.
Okay, only part of that statement is true.

And our cheering must have helped because the Junior team pulled out a win despite the odds.
The game went into overtime, which is the worst possible scenario for little girls because it was already waaay past bedtime. But we hung in there.
The Junior team was obviously very excited about the win.
Dina was bouncing around like a ping pong ball and of course, Kate and CJ wanted in on the action.

Here is CJ photo bombing the victory picture. It's blurry but I LOVE that she sneaked her way in there.

 Dina is on the left. She is with some school friends after the game. Notice Kate in the background?

This is Carolina and Dina. Carolina is from Brazil and these two girls have become very good friends.

Dina scooped up CJ and ran around the field with her...spinning, twirling, running...CJ loves Dina.

We were all proud of Dina for joining the football team. She hadn't even witnessed an American football game until a month ago and now she plays on a team. She is a go-getter and we love that about her.


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