A first...

Kate has many dreams. 
...walk to school by herself
...wear all pink sparkles every day of her life
...be a dancer, a gymnest, run a marathon, etc...

One of her many, many dreams came true last week. And although the dream was small it lived up to her expectations.

Kate rode a school bus.

Her preschool class took a trip to a nearby pumpkin farm.
She visited with ostrich, goats and pot belly pigs. She also picked her own Indian corn (or if you want to be politically correct...Native American corn), her own pumpkin and posed with some cute pumpkin farm residents.

I was fortunate enough to tag along. I soaked up her words when she asked if I'd sit with her on the bus. It won't be long and she'll probably be shy to admit such a thing in front of her friends. We talked about all the gadgets on a bus; how it was so cool you didn't have to wear a seatbelt. She was amazed all the kids from school were on there with her.  She'd proclaim, "there's Lily!" or "I saw Trevor." I think she truly forgot this was a preschool trip.

So Kate lived out one of her many dreams. 
And I was happy to be there with her.


That was a exciting day. One she will remember.
Wendell loves the thought of riding a school bus too, which is why I wanted to ride city bus this summer but we didn't get to it. Oh well.. if we decide to, he can ride the bus to school next year.
Julie Ulven said…
Sweet. Mieke only has two dreams. 1. be a nurse firefighter 2. do whatever she wants (after college)

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