Creative Play...

Independent play is so important to little kids. CJ is the queen of independent play. Kate does fairly well but needs a little guidance to get started. To encourage creativity and imagination, I've been coming up with new activities. Most of which have involved cardboard in some form or another.

We recently acquired a couple of cardboard boxes thanks to an on-line purchase. My initial reaction is to immediately break down the box and toss it into the recycle bin but this time I traded patience for spontaneity and held onto them until I came up with a fun idea. Behold our new cash register...

The cash register features a long toilet paper tunnel for dropping your change. Once you drop in the change it lands in the 'drawer' and slides down into the small tissue box coin holder seen on the carpet. The girls have had lots of fun with this today.

I really wasn't sure what to do with the second box. I thought about holding onto it for a little longer but then a fight broke out over whose turn it was to drop coins down the toilet paper tunnel and I quickly got to work on the second box. I cut circles into the top and added a large Scooby Doo bucket filled with coins and a few bowl-type objects with a hole in the middle. CJ spent a good chunk of time dropping coins into the colored 'bowls' and then refilling the Scooby bucket. I think she liked the clinking noise the coins made inside the bucket.

So while the girls played quietly I set out to accomplish some things around the house and returned to this...

I knew I should have put those clothes away rather than leave them neatly folded in the laundry basket. :)


You certainly have a good imagination to come up with making toys, CH looks innocentor she is think Mom might not like it about the clothes.
What great ideas! I'm always rescuing/hiding cardboard boxes before Austin can whisk them away.

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