Can't get enough...

I take it back. I think fall is my favorite season.
But I'm wishy-washy. In the spring I'll proclaim my love for buds on trees and tulips peeking out.
In the summer I'll profess to a life of swimming pools and suntan lotion.
(I don't think I've every claimed love for winter, though.)


While Kate was away at preschool CJ and I made yet another return trip to Hickory Hills.
This girl loves bugs, dirt, sand, rocks, sticks, water... If it lives outdoors she is best friends with it.

 ...especially if the outdoor 'thing' is a brown, fuzzy caterpillar...

I let this girl go nuts outside yesterday.
If she wanted to sit in a pile of dirt and scrape out rocks with her once-clean fingernails, well I said go for it!
 Even while playing in the dirt a girl has got to look good.

Typically during preschool time CJ sleeps and I sit with my butt planted in a chair reading a book, but since CJ's unexpected departure from nap time we've had to improvise.
I've stopped trying to make her nap. And you know what...we've been having a blast together!

I'm really enjoying this one-on-one, uninterrupted time with my youngest.
And to my surprise, it's resulted in a very tired munchkin around the 3:30 hour.
I pick up Kate. I pick up Dina. Kate takes quiet time and CJ naps.
It's like buttah, baby; all very smooth.

This is normally how CJ investigates; crouched down with knees firmly shoved under her arms.
I'm pretty sure Magellan and Columbus explored the same way.

Today's exploration included bouncy tents instead of bugs and fun was had by all.
I hope your Thursday rocks as much as our's!


I bet Kate prefers shopping rather than what C J likes.I will take CJ exploring the wilderness and all the other Grandmas can take Kate shopping.

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