Playing Columbus...

Inspired by a large helping of friends' explorer stories mixed with a heavy dash of good news in the family, I awoke feeling adventurous. I really wanted to bring Dina but I'm a responsible parent and instead drove her to school, packed a hearty snack and a picnic blanket, and tossed the girls in the van. I've never visited Hickory Hills, a nearby County park, except for a night time Christmas party where I couldn't see anything but the lodge, so I thought this might be a good place to venture. And it did not disappoint...

Unbeknownst to me the Park features a huge, gorgeous lake surrounded by fields of green grass that begged my girls to run wild. We greeted unexpected, but caged, bison, elk, turkeys and pheasant. We unintentionally stumbled across a frisbee golf course that thankfully no one was playing because we would have caught a frisbee in the head for sure. We risked falling in head first off fishing docks, danced along the shore's edge and of course, discovered a playground. My girls have a nose for playgrounds.

And this is the moment that caused several sweet old fisherman to pack up and seek peace elsewhere...because we are never peaceful.

A morning with nothing to do suddenly became an adventurous opportunity to explore parks so close and yet so untouched by us.

Kate took note of the many campsites throughout the park. She had plenty of time to notice them since I got us lost; something that happens all too frequently. (I'm directionally challenged.) She has since been begging to go camping. I'm thinking that could be fun...or a complete disaster. You never know until you try.

Happy Friday!

Side note: In case you were wondering, our morning was not completely full of happiness, smiles and giggles. No. Our trip ended with a screaming, tantrum. But really, what outing doesn't. It's part of being a parent, right?


megankremer said…
that's a great place to camp! Give it a shot :)

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