Pencil it in...

Just when I think life has settled itself into a good old fashion, happy family routine, a fast, flying curve ball comes at me from behind. Whether the curve ball comes in the form of a new grown-up phase Kate is experimenting with or CJ declaring she will no longer consume grapes which leaves us with four foods she is willing to put in her mouth, there is always a curve ball. I guess curve balls are an assurance that life won't be boring. And who wants to be bored, right?

Our latest curve ball was thrown by one of the best pitchers in this family; CJ. She climbed the pitcher's mound, wound up and aimed a wicked throw straight at my quiet time. Her lack of napping is cramping my lazy style. I cherish that one hour a day of quiet-all-to-myself time.

I'm not complaining. I'm just experimenting. One day I corral her to her room. The next day I take her to Target. Tomorrow I might let her go nuts in the room I've been hiding toys. A mom's gotta do whatever it takes to get in some quiet time. Am I right ladies? Chirp, chirp, chirp...

Car napping in the country...

I'm trying my hardest to look at this as a positive. I was/am militant about nap time. I'd skip out of fun trips with friends and family to make it home in time for nap. I plan playdates and shopping trips and fun excursions all around that 1-3 p.m. time slot. We missed a lot of good swimming opportunities this summer all because of that stinking, glorious, mom's-gotta-have-it nap time. So the bright side? Our days are a free for all. No more planning around, skipping or missing out on fun stuff. The world is our oyster. Right? Do you sense I'm really working to convince myself of this?

Here's to new adventures...without naps and quiet happy time! 


Julie Ulven said…
Oh, man. I feel your pain. Might have to use that friend from the car --the portable DVD player in her room for quiet time. I had to use that a couple of times just to get a little sanity time for myself.
We all need some quiet time. I am so glad that Wendell knows he has to stay in his room a little while and respects when mommy needs a nap. But Wendell is 4 not 2. Some days us moms really need that rest and we have to get creative to get it. Keep looking at the bright side, it will get better!
Sigh. I feel your pain as this was the age that Emily dropped her naps. I was 4 months pregnant at the time and needed a nap myself. I'm sad to say that I often resorted to sticking in a video and sneaking off to my bed for 20-30 minutes, knowing that Emily would most likely stay on the couch, but there was always the possibility of a mess to clean up when I got up. I decided a nap was worth the mess.

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