A reunion of sorts...

We traveled. Some cried. Most laughed. All are tired.
Those four short phrases wrap up this past Saturday.
Thankfully the crying was done by the guests under 5.
I thought about crying on the way home, but I was laughing too hard at the ridiculous sobbing coming from the backseat.

Err...let me back up, eh?
In addition to celebrating my mom's birthday we traveled to Winfield, IA to visit family.
My cousin, Angela, and her boyfriend traveled from LA to make a rare Iowa appearance and we had to say hello.
(Angela is writing a hilarious book about her experiences as a private jet attendant. Just wait til you read her celebrity stories.)

This picture was Kate's handiwork. She ran around the party taking random pictures. Most were shots of people's knees and noses but every now and again she caught a good one.

I am convinced my aunt and uncle's house is home to My Little Ponies and Care Bears because we saw not one, not two but three rainbows.
One was a double rainbow!
(Have seen the ridiculous double rainbow video before? Check it out below. "What does this mean?!")

The only difference between the double rainbow we saw and the one the guy in the video witnessed is that no one in our family sobbed.

Yeah, you can't see the double rainbow in my picture but I swear it was there. 

Kate matched perfectly.

We celebrated another birthday while we were there, too. My uncle's mother, Louise.

Kate asked if she could help blow out the candles and then proceeded to blow them all out before the birthday girls even sat down.
We laughed and she blushed.
No big deal, we just re-lit the candles.

And then CJ reached to touch the hot candle wick. You can see her hands moving forward here...

And then here she is sobbing because we wouldn't let her touch that hot wick.

It was a fun night. A long night. We stayed until dark.
And then we drove two hours home. Well some of us drove, the others bawled.
At one point Kate was sobbing and yelling she was so tired she was going to puke.
I wasn't about to take any chances so I emptied out the cooler and handed it over.

I kept reminding myself that I will one day look back at the car ride home and laugh.
Memories, right?

Thanks to my family for a great weekend!


I wish I could have been there too. Valerie told me about she & the girls & playing with the dog.

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