Five years time..

My mom likes to measure life in five year increments. 
Look at your life five years ago today and you will realize how much things have changed.

Five years ago Matt and I were living in a two bedroom ranch with no kids, two incomes and nothing but time on our hands.
Today we live our 'dream' house with two sweet, little girls, one teenager, one income and no time on our hands.
Sure some things are still the same. My hair continues to live in a state of growing out or chopping off,  my precious, silver Dodge Stratus, a.k.a. Rammy, is still my favorite car, Matt will always live and breathe all things ISU, CBS's Survivor is still on the air, but most of life has changed. And most of that change is for the best.

Looking back in five year increments is comforting really. When I struggle to teach good behavior to feisty kids I look back and think, thank God I have kids to teach. Or thank God they won't be stuck in this same running and screaming phase five years from now. The last five years flew by and the next five years will too. 

I might as well slow down and enjoy the year I'm living in now.
Look at her determination. That girl believes whole heartily she will scoop up that ground ball.

But like much of life, the ground ball sometimes slips through our glove.

I'm proud of Kate's determination. She is one strong willed, determined child. Determination I can teach. I have oodles of determination. Patience is my weak point.

Who knows what qualities my girls will possess in five years. Five years ago they were nothing more than a dream. Five years from now they will be nine and seven. Five years time...

I skipped bad coupons last week.
I was reveling in vacation and preparing for Dina. I forgot all about bad coupons. But the paper doesn't disappoint. Despite my forgetting the paper supplied plenty of good 'bad' coupons. Not unlike the commonly heard phrase, "one man's trash is another man's treasure," the same is true for bad coupon products. "One man's bad coupon is another man's beloved trinket." Yep, pretty sure that catch phrase isn't going to catch, but it's my way of saying that I'm not trying to insult you if you like any of these products. But I will say I am surprised.

Here's to a good weekend!
We're taking Dina to her first ever American football game.
What's on your agenda?


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