My sneaky ways...

It is hot out, obviously. Like I need to tell you that.
Our almost 100 year old, historic house has steamed over windows.
Honest. When you wake in the morning you cannot see out the windows because of the steam.
As I stood in line for ice cream today you could see the heat vapor (or whatever it is called) rising from the concrete.
But it won't last forever. Soon enough I'll be whining about the cold.

Due to the heat, the girls and I have been staying indoors a lot...unless we are going to, coming from or swimming in a pool.
These long, hot days indoors are a harsh reminder of winter madness.
You know, those days when you are physically stuck inside and the kids' natural energy builds until it bounces off the walls and into a migraine?
Thankfully, we've found a few ways to have some indoor fun.

First I let the girls make popsicles. Pink lemonade popsicles with a strawberry frozen in the middle, to be exact.
Kate poured the lemonade into ice cube trays, CJ stuffed in the strawberries and I added sticks.
CJ, who would eat only milk and Oreos if I'd allow it, surprisingly gobbled up strawberries by the handful.
She probably assumed the strawberries were for the popsicles only, not to be eaten during popsicle prep.
And that is why she ate them. 
The girl is a rebel, I tell ya.

All that pent up energy had to be spent somewhere so I found two long necklaces, two chip clips and two little girls wanting to play dog.
I attached the homemade leashes and walked them around the house for a good half hour. 

"Farley" is on the left and "Gunner" is on the right. And yes, CJ is again shirtless.

My other sneaky stay-cool-and-waste-time trick was homemade smoothies.
We make these a lot.
I literally pull out whatever I can find in the cupboards and refrigerator, tell the girls to throw it in the blender and call it a smoothie.
Up until today, our favorite smoothie was banana, milk, honey, peanut butter and ice.
However, today's combination was the winner for sure.
Banana, milk, hot cocoa powder, peanut butter, chocolate chips and ice.

I tell CJ it's a malt and she drinks it everytime. 

Stay cool out there.
After nap this afternoon we are heading to The Falls with some friends.
Love that place!


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