Final exam and more bad couponing...

Today was a big day in Kate's world.
I was actually a wee bit nervous for her.
The girl doesn't like to lose or fail or get left behind.
She calls herself, 'best girl ever." No shortage of confidence from this one, I tell ya.

This morning was Kate's last day of level 2 swimming lessons.
Anticipation was high as Kate awaited the results: pass or fail.
We are proud to say she passed and will be moving on to level 3.
Quite an accomplishment for a 4 year old. But she probably just takes after her swimmer mama.
I couldn't decide which picture I liked best, so why not include them both?
Our house looks forward to the Sunday morning paper.
We read aloud the baby names (and sometimes laugh at them), guess people's career simply from their engagement or wedding photo (strange how easy it is to guess right) and we of course read the actual news articles. But I also like to dig through the Sunday coupons not because I expect to find a deal but because I'm looking for a good laugh. And this past Sunday's ads didn't disappoint.

So I bring you....bad couponing.

If you haven't noticed your Sunday coupons lately Christmas ornaments are all the rage in June/July.
And who doesn't need some sweet cat ornaments. These are not your typical cats, by golly. 
No, these kittens can knit. They're knitten kittens and my Christmas tree is begging for some.

Once I saw those knitten kittens I immediately thought of this...

As funny as knitten kittens are, my FAVORITE bad coupon of the week is this...
Sure, it looks like a regular wallet. Big deal! But take a closer peek...
This wallet belongs to a real life Barbie!
The hot tamale modeling her driver's license in this ad is 6'2" and weighs 135 lbs.
Call Tyra Banks! I just found us our new Top Model.
Notice the hair color listed for her. 
Like many adult blondes she is truly a brunette in disguise.
And I swear her signature reads, "Johnathon Doe."

Stayed tuned for more bad couponing.


J-D-K-G said…
Sarah you crack me up! Now I'll be paying more attention to those bad coupons...
Good for Kate!I cut out coupons for tide & dawn and put them in my billfold & forget to use them. so why bother?

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