Bucket list bust...

I was reminded yesterday that school is set to begin in four short weeks and a feeling of panic came over me.
Not because Kate will be going back to school (4 year old preschool) or that I haven't completed any of the necessary paperwork (which I have not) but because we haven't crossed many things off our summer bucket list.

In past years Kate and I have created a bucket list of things we want to accomplish over the summer.
And I of course blog about that bucket list. Except for this year.
This past May I sat down at the dinner table with the family and said, "OK gang, let's all say what we want to do with our summer!"
I was ready; colored paper and marker in hand. We were going to plan out an awesome summer!
But then everyone poo-ed on my excitement by dully mumbling things like...
*eat supper* - yah, we do that everyday
*watch cartoons* - yah, I guess we do that everyday too
*read a book* - again, everyday
*go golfing* - yep, almost everyday (well at least Matt does)
*play* - grrrrrrrr, can you be more specific?

I think my point is clear. So I gave up on this year's bucket list. At least a list that included everyone else's suggestions. And instead I created my own mental bucket list.

Anyway, so my point is that my mind contains so many bullets point that have not yet been crossed off.

We better hop to it before summer slips away, before the leaves fall off the trees and we are forced to blow the dust of our autumn jackets. I'm not ready to say good-bye to summer. So live it up...oh yes I will.

What fun things do you have planned for the remainder of your summer?


Dawn said…
We have a Summer Fun List (this is our first year with such a list) of 25 items and have accomplished about half of them, so we need to get moving (my list may have been too ambitious). Things left include hitting a Farmer's Market, going to the Science Center, go to the State Fair, picnic outside while listening to music, and others.
Matt said…
If I lived in Maryland, all of my bucket list items would involve crab cakes. Or touring locations featured in "The Wire".
Our bucket list is - go to Branson on the 30th-come. We have never been there. Then take each day after as it comes .
Dawn said…
Matt, we have unintentionally toured several Wire locations in the past. And I must admit that we are not huge fans of crab cakes (maybe because we aren't native MD folk), but if you guys ever make it out this direction we'll buy your whole family some good ol' Maryland crab cakes.
We've got about 1/2 of our list done for the summer but I am usually pleased if I get about 1/2 done.. I try to focus on what I did and not what I didn't get done. So far we still have some races, some family weekends, a nephew to be born, ride city bus, and go fishing. I doubt we get it all done but it's good to have a reminder that we don't have much time left until school starts.

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