Homemade star box...

This afternoon between lunch and nap I made the girls a star box.

My inspiration came from here. 
Andrea, a friend from my school days who is now a blogger and on Facebook turned me onto the site.
She has completed a lot of cool projects with her two boys.
It's a very fun site if you are looking for creative activities to share with your kids. 

Notice CJ rocking the high pony again today? So cute.

It only took me 5 minutes to put together...after I finally located and dug out a strand of Christmas lights.
Similar to almost every other thing we do around here the girls played with the star box for no more than 4 minutes...tops.
It's now sitting on a high shelf in the playroom. Sorry super cool star box.

If you too decide to attempt this project I recommend you do not use a diaper box.
All diaper boxes are plastered with pictures of super cute babies and you will feel rotten poking holes through their sweet little bodies. Even if it is just a picture, it still made me feel kind of sad.

Despite the lack of attention paid to the star box, it did result in some play time.
Kate was inspired. 
She grabbed the other empty diaper box and ran downstairs yelling, "I'll let you know when I'm done with my star box, Mom!"
Well, I'm pleased I checked on her because I found her sawing away at the box with a pair of kid scissors and spoon on the new dining room table.
I directed her to the Princess table and gave her some really sharp scissors instead.
Just kidding....on the second part.

Hey look...Grumpy, Dopey and amputee Prince Charming made an appearance, too.
We pretended the Princesses were dancing under the stars, but I really think Prince Charming needs a wheel chair.
That poor guy. His injuries are a direct result of a less than gentle 3 year old Kate.
There have been other tragedies as well.

Star box: check!
Creative play: check!
Blog post: check!
Book reading (read nap) for mom: well, that's up next!


What interesting things you do for your girls.
Very cool! Too bad it didn't last very long.

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