Pool rat...

Many years ago when I was young and full of energy I was a pool rat.
Not only did I swim competitively through college I also lived at the pool for play.
I love swimming.

Back in the day when I would swim from 1:00 to 5:00 each summer afternoon and again from 7:00 to 9:00 each summer evening, I remember seeing these disgusting, leather skinned mamas. There were a dozen or so of these deep tanned ladies. They would all line themselves up in a row, each relaxing in a deck chair gabbing, gossiping and sometimes peeking from behind sunglasses to make sure their kids were still present. Well, now that I am a mom and I too take my kids to the pool I have decided that I totally want to be one of those moms!!

I don't really want the leathery skin but I think I am going to love being a pool rat mama.
I love swimming with the girls. I love basking in the warm sun with the girls. I love jumping off the diving board.
I love it all.

By the way, when googling "leathery tan" here are some of the images I found...

Seriously? Is this someone's actual skin?
Props to her for wearing a bikini but it looks like most of it is lost in the tanned wrinkles.

Umm.... I'm guessing this picture is legit because if someone is going to doctor a photo to make a dude look super tan don't you think they would have also doctored out the red eye? Yikes.

Who doesn't love an oompa loompa.

And my favorite in the bunch...
Huh? How does this picture fall into the category of 'leathery tan?'
Robert Pattinson with fake hair digitally imposed into an "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" ad.
I am swooning, laughing and feeling a bit hungry for butter all at the same time.


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