21 day habit...

According to rumor it takes a person 21 days to create a habit.

My sister, Lindsay, wants to run The Bix with my dad and me this July.
My sister, Lindsay, is not a runner.
(Although she has run a couple of races with me but I think the last time she ran was in February and before that...June 2010!)
So our conversation on the topic went like this...

So, I guess I am running the next 21 days in a row.
Make that 18 actually since the running pact was made 4 days ago and we've now completed 3 days of training.

I've created a little running log on the right hand side of my blog.
This is actually kind of fun...although we are only 3 days in.

Well, Lindsay. Now that I've put this out there for the 'whole world' to see you are really, really being held accountable! 
Happy running, sis!!


glsgls said…
Sarah, when you told me about what you and Lindsay are doing, I thought I would try it. I am only on day 2 though. Day 1 was about
2 1/2 miles and this morning at 4:30 it was about 3 1/2 miles.
Please don't tell me you are going to increase a mile per day.
Run girls run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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