This weekend I ate my way around the world...

For those who are not ISU grads or for those who don't live with a spouse who is crazy for ISU in every form possible then you may have not known that it was VEISHEA this past week.
And yes, I spelled it right.
My husband is probably bursting at the seams with pride for his wife right now.

Matt and I made our annual VEISHEA trip to Ames this weekend.
This year, however, we brought along a little sis, Lindsay.
Isn't she the prettiest!

Lindsay devouring a little Egyptian entree.

VEISHEA 2010 Matt and I discovered an exotic food wonderland.
Scratch that... I discovered an exotic food wonderland, Matt prefers bratwurst and cookies.
I LOVE trying foods from all over the world.
My taste buds sing at the prospect of eating Indian and Thai foods. 
In fact, my stomach is growing as I type.

So after finding and loving the International Food Fair during VEISHEA of 2010, I knew I had to return for the 2011 Fair. 
Lindsay craves ethnic foods as much as me. I'm not sure who was more excited.

Indian 'street food' (doesn't that make you nervous!) on the left and yellow curry soup in the hands of Lindsay.

Lindsay and I both adore Indian food but this year's Indian cuisine was a little sub-par.

Matt is a good sport when it came to the International Food Fair.
He sampled a couple of things but mostly stuck to the Asian tea.
He also served as our waiter a large chunk of the time, carrying plates and bowls full of ethnic delights.

He may not like spice but he sure likes tea.

This pot sticker type dish was from Nepal... I think.
Nepal...makes me think of the movie, "There's Something About Mary."

Lindsay with dumpling/pot stickers and a super cute coat.

Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom.

Isn't he dreamy!

The Malaysian curry puff was pretty good.
It is a puff pastry filled with curry potatoes. Unusual but tasty.
Matt was pleased to find something deep fat friend. :)

Notice the random fork and spoon glued to the handmade Malaysia sign. Funny.

The Iranian food was alright. Until we stirred it all together. Then, for some reason, it tasted amazing.
Maybe that is an Iranian secret we discovered?

Mister Iowa State...and his wife.

I now see in my typing haste I misspelled Puerto Rican in the below pic...oh well.

A smorgasbord of heartburn.

Lindsay is holding Argentinean empanadas.
I big-puffy-heart empanadas...except for these.
They were stuffed full of green olives.
I'd rather eat Asian beetles.

Lindsay with green olive death in her hands.

Thankfully I found an a-a-a-amazing rice dish from Sri Lanka.
It was so fantastic I almost filled my coat pockets with it.

Who knew Sri Lanka has such delicious food?

Matt with half his head and a tasty bowl of Chilean dessert.

While the entrees were mostly wonderful at the Food Fair, I was rather disappointed in the desserts.
Especially the Arabian sweet bread.
It tasted like a Yankee Candle.

Worst dessert ever: Arabian sweet bread made with pistachios and perfume.

Although we didn't try everything the Food Fair had to offer we also didn't hungry.
So we thought we better find an American dessert to top us off... the official dessert of VEISHEA... cherry pie.

The best $1 pie VEISHEA has to offer.

After causing our stomachs to question our sanity we literally ran into a booth that tested your BMI.
What timing!
Thankfully we are all pictures of health, beauty and fitness and therefore passed with blue ribbons and stars.

We then circled campus a few times on foot partaking in various VEISHEA activities and found our way to video games.

Lindsay and I playing Dance, Dance Revolution.

We've never played before... and it showed.

Boy I look stupid! But I was mad. The machine robbed us when really we were like Paula Abdul and J.Lo.

And after we finished embarrassing ourselves in front of dozens of preteen Ames residents, we strapped on vests and played laser tag like it was nobody's business.

I have never played laser tag in my life.
It is the most awesome thing ever!
I can't even begin to describe to you how much I loved it.
If I were Donald Trump I would redesign my house into one enormous laser tag arena.
No lie.

I hope to play laser tag again very soon.
And as much time as we spend in Ames, I think I will get my chance.
In fact, we are going to Ames again next week. Skip the Easter egg hunt, the whole family is playing laser tag instead!

Anyway, after I recovered from the awesomeness that is laser tag we headed out to CY's House of Trivia...which is almost as fun as laser tag.
More on that tomorrow...
(I'm sure you are on the edge of your seat...if you are even still reading this...)


Matt said…
I will vote for the Puerto Rican coconut kiss as my favorite item eaten. A ball of coconut carmelized. Yum.
Boy- you & Lindsay must have tough stomachs.
Phil would have been in heaven, I would have preferred to join Matt for the brats and cookies. Sounds like you had a great time!

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