S - U - G - A - R...

Warning: Endless sugar + hours in the car may = childhood insanity.

Warning: Severe boredom may directly result in the consumption of body parts.


...and shoes...

You will get into trouble unless a cute smile is immediately applied.

Warning: Being strapped in a car seat for more than two hours may cause deliriousness, resulting in a reenactment of Michael Jackson's glove ensemble and dancing...in all pink, of course.

You may also suffer from a loss of memory, inhibiting your mind to recall if hats are to be worn on the head or  feet.

Warning: The announcement of outdoor activity after sugar and car rides may cause a child to select a very bad outfit.

Please allow 24 hours before operating a motor vehicle after mass consumption of sugar.

And never, ever, ever leave your vehicle unattended with sugar addicts in it's presence for they may take over...and look really sweet while doing so.


Julie Ulven said…
This one made me laugh out loud!!!
Funny! When did CJ grow all that hair?!?
Sugar in the morning.
Sugar in the evening
Sugar at supper time.
Be my little "Sugars" and I will love you all the time.
Car rides can be such a drag.. but you have lots of great pictures! This weekend I'm going to be doing a 2 hour drive alone so I hope it goes well!

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