Blogging is kinda like high school...

I began my blog three years ago, shortly after Kate's first birthday, with the intention of keeping long distance family up to speed on Kate's cuteness. Around that same time I immersed myself into the world of stay-at-home moms; joining mom's groups,library story hour and frequenting parks. I soon learned that many of my new mom friends had blogs, too. Shortly after that, I learned there is an entire blogging world out there I never knew existed...and I was hooked. Actually, not just hooked, almost obsessed.

There are so many incredibly, talented blogging women with with hundreds, sometimes thousands, of followers and comments.

I thought, if I were to become more creative then perhaps my blog could be popular, too.
But what I discovered is that:

I am not a super, creative writer. (Read the birth story of this woman's second child. It will move you to tears.)

And I really don't have a creative bone in my body.

All of this may sound like a personal pity party, but it's not. It's just a realization of what skills I do possess.

I have a whole world of love locked into my heart for these two girls... 

Every day is trial and error on how to raise them right.
But I keep trying and I thank the Lord for each new day so I can start over and hopefully not royally screw them up. 

**I have a wonderful husband who is so much fun to be with.**

**I am surrounded by amazing family who willingly helps us raise our girls.**

**My cell phone is loaded with phone numbers of fantastic friends.**

So, while I may not overflow with amazing blog worthy material, I do love blogging...even if it is about nothing other than our simple lives. Blogging gives me so much joy. Sharing little pieces of our day in pictures and words is sometimes my lifeline to the outside world. (It can get a little monotonous with two minis all day.)

And I do love your comments. Each and every comment makes me smile.
Thank you to everyone out there who reads my blog.

Wishing you the very best weekend!!

I am now off to enjoy a bowl of buttered, salted popcorn with coconut M&MS and no drink. Why? Because some guys are roofing the house next door and they can peek directly into our bathroom windows. :)


Amen, sister! You expressed all my feelings exactly. I love blogging, and I love reading your blog. Keep it up!
Keep on blogging. I love it. Kate can make some goofy faces.
I love your pictures.. especially today's picture of CJ with the black hat. Anyways, we love your blog and all the creative, funny, and fun pictures and stories you share so keep posting!
Julie Ulven said…
Well said. I agree. If I get to finish my morning cup of coffee, I feel like I accomplished something. Rock and Roll...
glsgls said…
(Every day is trial and error on how to raise them right.
But I keep trying and I thank the Lord for each new day so I can start over and hopefully not royally screw them up.)

I don't understand this paragraph.
Those two girls cheer for the Cyclones. How can you possible think you are raising them right?-g-
Way to go Grandpa Smith!!!!!!!

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