Who am I...

I am a 'stay-at-home' mom.
A domestic engineer.
A full-time cooking, cleaning, laundering, mini-van driving lady of the house.

I wake up at the last minute to dress my girls and myself in wrinkly, clean clothes stuffed in laundry baskets on the bedroom floor.
I throw bread in the toaster and pour sippy cups of milk as we are running out the door for preschool.
And when the girls nap I collapse in front of the computer or television.
I feel like Roseanne.

When I really want to be more like June Cleaver cooking in my pearls.

I want to hand my husband a sack lunch and a kiss on the cheek as he heads out to work.
And then bounce upstairs to teach my sweet children valuable lessons.

But alas, I rarely do any of those things.
Instead I'm sitting in my comfy, pajama pants typing this blog post while my girls watch Scooby Doo.
Perhaps it is time for me to turn things around.

How about you?
Are you living up to your expectations as a wife and mother?


Unknown said…
You are such a great writer! Keep posting--don't change.
Alissa said…
It's a struggle everyday to be the mom and wife I want to be. My goal is always to put the kids first but it's difficult when there's meals to be made, house to be cleaned and piles of laundry to be folded! I do my best but there's always that mommy guilt that you could have done more....part of being a woman I think!
J-D-K-G said…
Great post, Sarah! For me, some days are better than others. I asked my husband recently what his expectations were for me as a new stay at home mom/wife and they were pretty simple and straightforward but it's the ME who always thinks I should be doing more.
I have been thinking about this and I think I have a good balance (most days). Reality is that I have to take care of myself which means reading and blogging and making cookies once in awhile but if it helps me to be a happy mom when naps are over then I'm going to do it. I simply want to live in the moment, and for the day. So if at the end of the day I can sleep peacefully then I am being the mom I want to be.

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