Sarah-cuse's 2011 brackets explained...

Some years (or most) Matt questions the rationale behind my NCAA tourney picks. So for the second time in Craft blog history I will explain to the world the logic behind my winning record. (OK, so it is not always winning but I don't do too bad.)

Disclaimer: I am not going to explain all picks because some are just obvious and I didn't have much thought behind them. However, those picks that took thought will be described.

Ohio State v UTSA or Ala. State - Ohio State, they are THE number one seed

George Mason v Villanova - this was a hard one for me. My gut was telling me to pick George Mason but my gut is also very hungry. Despite this, I went with my gut. Geroge Mason.

W. Virginia v UAB or Clemson - I understand the importance of mining and I respect all the miners in W. Virginia but still, I wouldn't want my family to mine. However, I went ahead and chose W. Virginia because the basketball odds are heavily in their favor.

Kentucky v Princeton - Kentucky... For some reason I've always like Kentucky basketball. Not much rationale here.

Xavier v Marquette - This is another tough one. I, for some unexplained reason, really like both of these schools but I went with Xavier primarily because Matt used to joke that if we ever had a baby boy he wanted to name him Xavier and we could call him X. I vetoed that idea.

Syracuse v Indiana St. - Syracuse! Since I was a little girl I have loved Syracuse basketball. I remember my dad watching them play and when I heard their name I was convinced they were actually called Sarah-cuse. I once won a NCAA bracket pool by choosing Syracuse to win the entire tournament simply because of my 'connection' with their school name. It works for me, people!

Washington v Georgia - Washington. Did you see their victory over Arizona last weekend? I saw it live on television and then I saw it about 200 more times since Matt made me re-watch the winning 3 pointer over and over again. It was exciting.


Duke v Hampton - Duke

Michigan v Tennessee - Tennessee, I just have a better feeling about Tennessee basketball.

Arizona v Memphis - Normally I'd choose Memphis in this match-up but after Arizona's devastating loss last weekend I think those boys will burst out of the locker on fire. Arizona.

Texas v Oakland - Texas. Oakland Raiders scare me. And I realize the Oakland we are referring to in this tournament is NOT the Oakland Raiders but I still hold that association in my head.

Cincinnati v Missouri - I really have no desire to live in Missouri. Actually I have no desire to live in Cincinnati either. Hmm... I'm still going with Cincinnati.

UConn v Bucknell - UConn

Temple v Penn State - Penn State. I used to own and very much love a Penn State sweatshirt. Ahh... memories.

San Diego State v N. Colorado - San Diego State. Who doesn't love the sunshine of San Diego? Plus my grandparents winter just outside of San Diego on Coronado Island so this pick is really like cheering for my grandparents. 

Kansas v Boston U. - It is hard to cheer against Kansas basketball... unless they are playing UNI like last year when they got their butt kicked! Go Panthers.

UNLV v Illinois - Illinois. A few years ago I was at an Iowa State v UNLV football game and the UNLV team was really angry over a call made at the end of the game and they lost. They acted like a bunch of pansies. Whining, crying, refusing to leave the field. I would cheer for anyone over UNLV. Boo hiss...

Vanderbilt v Richmond - Vanderbilt

Louisville v Morehead St. - Louisville because I really like their mascot.

Georgetown v USC or VCU - Georgetown. It is a long story. Too long and boring and embarrassing for me to share here but I hold loyalty to Georgetown. You will never get the story out of me.

Purdue v St. Peter's - St Peter's sounds kind of tropical which makes me want to cheer for them. Then again, it also sounds kind of Catholic. Either way, I choose Purdue because a girl I swam with through middle school and high school went to Purude to swim. I think that is pretty enviable.

Texas A&M v Florida St. - My heart belongs to all things Florida. I would move there in a second if I could take all of my family and Matt's with me. But alas, I shall live in my happy home in La Porte. It's pretty great here, too.

Notre Dame v Akron - Notre Dame. I love the movie, "Rudy."

Pittsburgh v UNC Ash/Ark LR - Pittsburgh simply because they are a better seed. Although every time I hear Pittsburgh basketball I think of W. Virginia basketball. Remember several years back when W. Virginia won the NCAA tournament and they had that one player name Pittsnoggle or something like that? He looked like his name. Just kind of ewwwww. Despite this, I choose Pittsburgh.

Butler v Old Dominion - Butler

Kansas St v Utah St - Kansas St. "I'm going to Wichita...bow, bom, bom bow, bom..." Know that song? I really like it. And in case you weren't sure how these two things relate... well Kansas St is in Wichita. But you are smart enough to know that. Oops...Apparently, I'm not smart enough to know where Kansas St is located. I was just informed Kansas St is actually in Manhattan. I still like the song though.

Wisconsin v Belmont - Wisconsin. They have a lot of drama going on in their state right now. They deserve a win.

St. John's v Gonzaga - I always take Gonzaga basketball way too far in this tournament and they burn me every time. So this year I'm saying they don't even make it past the first round. Take that, Gonzaga.

BYU v Wolford - Wolford???? I'm choosing BYU

UCLA v Michigan St. -'s warmer there.

Florida v UC-SB - Again, Florida is my second home. Of course I'm going to choose Florida.

So there you have it. That was exhausting; spilling my thoughts into print. My rationale has taken my tourney brackets far in past years. I hope they will do so again this year.

Kate also made her bracket picks. You can view her's below. And I'm sure her rationale behind her picks makes just as much sense as mine. Happy March Madness!


Matt said…
So who is your national champ?
Interesting! Good luck on your picks.
J-D-K-G said…
Love your rationalle...or lack thereof!!! I think you and I go about our selections about the same way!
I hope Kate wins over all of you. She sure is pretty little girl.
Good luck, hope all goes well! Let us know who wins!

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