Make-up bag cat...

When I wasn't looking... for 2 or 3 short minutes... Miss Kate got into my make-up bag.
She found the eyeliner and then had some fun.

Now, anyone who has worn eyeliner in the proper manner knows the frustrations of keeping it on.
You draw it on and in an hour or so the eyeliner will be smudged and almost nonexistent.
But for some reason when a little girl draws it on her face, it takes three wash clothes, a bottle of soap and a chisel to get that stuff off.

So here is Kate in all her make-up glory... playing the role of a cat.

Yah, I know that window sill looks bad. There is still tape and things stuck to it from when we moved in.
Just avert your eyes...

I think she may have tried to draw a cat nose on her own, too. That was the hardest part to scrub off.
Happy Monday everyone.


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