Kelsey Grammer stole my dishwasher...

My nights have been filled with very vivid, unusual dreams lately.
I love it actually.
Like last night's dream where someone robbed our house, taking only the refrigerator and dishwasher and leaving behind a computer and $8 in cash. And the bad guy.... Kelsey Grammer!
Huh? What's up with that?

Ok, I can't use the phrase 'what's up with that' without thinking of one of my favorite SNL skits.
So I better share...

The Crafts had another wonderful weekend.
Our Saturday involved a car ride to the City of Five Seasons to visit family.

We intended to play outside but March is going out like a lion so we spent most of our time indoors watching Cinderella, various basketball games and my sister, Lindsay, and I spent a couple of hours trying to catch a neighborhood peeping tom.
We didn't attempt to physically catch him, we were simply trying to figure out a few things.
But alas we figured out nothing. So much for our bright future as detectives.

The rest of the weekend we played more dress-up. Always playing dress-up around here.
And remember when I told you CJ is too long for many of her shirts? Well, here is proof.

She still is sweet though. :)

And because I brought up the topic of SNL videos, I must share my other favorite.
This one is not as good as the original Les Jeunes de Paris but still funny.
We're goofy around here.


You and Brendan have some of the same talents.Both should be in the tv business.
I often have weird, vivid dreams, too, and they rather annoy me. Last night I was in labor (as in childbirth) while listening to George W. Bush speak at an event out in the middle of a street somewhere and I couldn't find my car back.
Anonymous said…
Ya Dear
Really a very nice photo..........
Dishwashers Repairs

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