
Do you suffer from hippophobia?
Do you know what hippophobia is?
I didn't until the most recent man v. computer on Jeopardy.
Hippophobia is not, in fact, the fear of hippos.
No. Rather it is the fear of horses.

Nay! Doesn't he look scary?
Our girls have the opposite of hippophobia. They LOVE horses. Especially the stuffed variety.
Above is Clifford, Kate's stuffed horse.
He is the man of the hour each day in this house because Kate insists it is Clifford's birthday every Sunday through Monday in the winter. Apparently he takes time off in the spring, summer and fall.

Normally we just sing Happy Birthday to the little guy but this past Friday, with nothing else to do, we threw a full fledged Happy Birthday Clifford party.

...complete with streamers... 

...and dancing...
(apparently some nudity, too... I can't keep that girl in clothes)

...and snacks...
The girls had to force feed Clifford. 

We also wrapped homemade gifts for him in newspaper and shiny boxes.
It was quite the day for Clifford and the girls.

To finish up the day, I talked to someone in India for a few hours trying to resolve several computer problems.
In addition to learning our computer was suffering from many viruses, I also learned that I know nothing about computers.
Seriously, those Dell technicians are unbelievably smart.


And I thought Emily was obsessed with birthdays! Dr. Seuss didn't get balloons and streamers. ;o)

P.S. You should get a Mac. :o)
Happy Birthday Clifford
Way to kick back and have some fun! Sometimes being silly is good medicine.

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