Playing dress-up...

It's no secret that Kate loves her stuffed horse, Clifford.
He was a Christmas gift from her Uncle Mike.
She sleeps with Clifford every night and every nap... well, when she takes a nap.
But that is a story for another time.

Anyway, the other day Kate decided to dress Clifford.
She started with underwear because horses of course wear undies.
She then added a cute yellow and white striped shirt.
Finally, she completed the outfit with a ballerina tutu.

She was so proud of herself.
To be honest, I was too. I thought it was a creative idea.

She made me pose with ballerina Clifford, too.

So, what was CJ doing while Clifford was going through his makeover?
CJ was trying on Kate's underwear.



glsgls said…
What the heck is going on at your house?
Matt said…
Tell me about it. We've got one year olds in underwear, horses in tutus. It's madness.
You guys sure look silly, but glad they're all smiles.

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