Garlic salt...

Do you have garlic salt in your house?
We do. We love it.
On grilled, sliced potatoes and on top of spaghetti. Yum.

So, if you have some in your house, do you know where it is?
Yesterday morning I found mine here...

...hidden inside a big jar of flour.
Because my funny hubby and I are about as mature as a couple of middle school kids.

We have been playing a long ongoing game of 'hide the garlic salt.'
It started quite awhile ago.
When Matt helps me clean up supper he often tosses the spices in whatever drawer is closest to his hand.
I'm grateful that he helps clean up but it is awfully hard to find the spice you want when it could be in any drawer.
Have you seen our kitchen drawers?
We literally have 20 drawers. And that doesn't include cabinets.

Anyway, one night when he was helping me pick up he decided to be funny and hid the garlic salt inside a box of granola cereal.
I found it the next morning and then hid it somewhere he would eventually find it.
And the game has continued from there.
Fun, isn't it?! :)

I've found the garlic salt in the shower behind the shampoo bottle, under my pillow (which I didn't notice until about an hour after I crawled into bed, in the van, in my coat pocket, in a drawer (NOT the kitchen drawer by the way) and many other places.

I should probably go.
I need to find a place to hide the garlic salt before Matt gets home!

Question: Do you have any funny games or rituals in your house?


You two could make a weekly tv shoe.
That was suppose to be a weekly show
Right off hand, I can't think of any crazy fun games but before kids we used to play hide and seek before the other one came home from work. So when Phil got home he'd have to come find me or vice versa. We found some really good hiding places sometimes. Now we play with the kids but I can hide behind the dining room table and Wendell walks right by, it's easy to hide from him (sometimes Harlie finds me first).

Keep having fun, it's great on a marriage!

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