
How do you cure a kid's stomach ache?

Tell them they should lay down and take a nap.
Works every time!

But if you offer to let them lay on the couch and watch endless cartoons, well, then your kid will have a stomach ache every single day.  This has been tested and proven true.  In our house, at least.


I've baked just about every kind of muffin out there and the greatest muffin ever in the history of muffins is:

I won't even pretend the recipe is mine.
I found it this morning... a -16 degree morning.
What better thing to do while stuck in the house on a blustery cold day than to bake!!



That is what we have scheduled for this weekend!

I can't remember the last weekend we were all here, in the house, with nothing else to do but relax.

I am so excited!
(We'll probably all be crazy by noon Saturday!  Ha!)


The Cocoa GoGo is only three weeks away!
Saturday, February 12th at 9 a.m.

It's a 5K run / walk
Starts and ends at our house with as much as hot cocoa as you can drink afterwards.

I hope you can come!


Have a good weekend!


Julie Ulven said…
Do you have any walkers, yet? I might be "in training" for a 5K distance. I really just want the hot cocoa!
I've used the "Go lay down in your bed, then" line for numerous ailments and it always seems to be a miraculous cure! ;o)

I made the muffins yesterday and they were simply scrumptious. Definitely a top 5 muffin recipe. I think I ate 3-4 of them. Thanks for sharing! Meg's blog is pretty fun, too. Do you know her personally or did you just find her blog?

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