I try, I fail, I succeed...

Today didn't start off very well... and it hasn't turned around yet, either.
The girls have been challenging and I have tried to power through it.
I even built them a giant tent, dug out the Christmas lights that I just put away and tried to convince them to play.
Without going into detail, let's just say the tent was only up for 10 minutes and in that 10 minutes I witnessed lots of tears, lots of screaming and lots of whining.  And it didn't end with the tent.

These photos sure paint a different picture, don't they?
I could pretend and tell you a hilarious story of how the girls loved the tent, got along with each other famously and loved the idea of playtime.  But I would be lying to you and myself.
The tent was a failure.  My efforts were failures.

These same failures continued all the way up until nap time... God, I hope nap time lasts for hours!

So how did I succeed today?
Today I succeed because I failed and yet I'm going to turn around and keep at it.
I will keep on trying.
I will keep on loving these little monsters no matter what.
Because one day I will holler for them to quit fighting and there won't be anyone there to fight with.

Now...  I'm off to reclaim my sanity with cookies and a good book.

EDIT:  20 minutes into nap time Kate comes downstairs to announce she already slept.  Sanity... slipping... away...


Julie Ulven said…
They need a puppy and an espresso. It's January and it's boring to be inside so much. We are not faring much better here. Hang in there.
Losing nap time was a huge adjustment. I hope that Kate can transition into break time for you! I will miss somethings but I don't think I'll miss the fighting.. and it's just getting started. (that too will pass.. when they are in their 20's).

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