Girls Night...

Each week there is at least one night that Matt doesn't get home until after the girls are in bed.
This can make for a very long day... SO, we try to find fun things to keep our spirits up. in a baby bouncer with a pink cowboy hat while snacking on graham Goldfish.
Have you tried them?  They are delicious!

Others of us like to put on sparkly shoes paired with mismatched clothing and practice our best dance moves.

After wild dance parties and playtime we have to eat supper.
And lately the meal of choice is Blueberry Cornmeal Pancakes.
The girls love them, I love them, and who doesn't love pancakes for supper!

To make, you first have to pull out the cookbook.  Oh, and a Little People skateboard.

More importantly, you need all hands on deck.
Get those sous chefs into the kitchen!
CJ took the liberty of rounding up and then lining up our best cooks.

And then you mix, stir, spill and sizzle your way into a Craft girls' favorite meal.

Then you eat, and eat and...


Good night folks...


Those pancakes look good!

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