The return of my missing pictures...

I'm really not sure what happened on that last blog post.
I posted pictures.  They were on my blog.  And then they disappeared.
Blogger and I are in a bit of a spat so maybe it was revenge?

Anyhow, I have them up and running now!  Or so I think.

It almost looks like CJ has a halo around her head in the below photo but I can assure you, it is occasionally undeserved!!  :)

The girls and I have been doing some serious playing here the last two days.
Intense board games, countless tea parties, we've taken dozens of walks around the house pushing strollers full of baby dolls.  We've fed, burped, changed and put many 'babies' to sleep.
We have colored, played guitar, drummed, banged on pianos and consumed hundreds of wooden donuts.

We've shared lots of smiles and fallen victim to several 'fights'.

And we've (I mean I've) packed up dozens and dozens of old toys and hidden them in closets.
I know I'll see those toys again but not for awhile...or at least until the new toys become boring.
For now...let playtime continue!


Playtime is so fun! Glad you got some in.. we are slowly resuming to normal but we have another Christmas to go.. along with a New Year's Eve party.
I hope I can keep up with the Craft girls.

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