more Christmas wrap-up...

It was gray sweater day for the Crafts on Christmas day.
Matt gave me a beautiful, gray cashmere sweater and I just happened to give him a gray sweater as well.
And to top it off, I had already picked out the girls' outfits the day before...gray sweaters!

(I have no idea why my head is cranked so funny.  I'm not exactly photogenic.)

It is always fun exchanging gifts.
I love watching facial expressions and reactions.
Kate obviously liked whatever it was she opened here.

Kate was the recipient of many, many dress-ups clothes.
(I have the most hilarious pictures of Kate in all her outfits...but I'll save that for a future post.)

If CJ sees Kate dressing up then she has to do the same.
CJ loves her big sister more than any Christmas present out there.

CJ also loves being tickled...

and booing Grandpa.

It was a super fun Christmas morning at the Craft farm.
I need to get pictures from my mom's camera sometime soon so I can share some of Christmas at the Smith house, too.

So more photos to come...but you already knew that, didn't you!


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