the Crafts' countdown to Christmas...

At first glance it may look like Kate is auditioning for a rap video.
Rather she is ready to head outside for a jog.  A pretend jog.
We really don't make her run!!
She loves to put on her 'running shoes', my headband and Garmin (GPS watch) and run laps around the house.
She is going to be a runner...just like here mama!

Speaking of running...

I want to invite everyone and anyone to the first ever Cocoa Go-Go 5K Run and Walk.
Saturday, February 12th at 9 a.m.
Race starts and ends at my house and you get all the hot cocoa you can drink.
No registration fee, no t-shirts and no prizes BUT you get the fun of running in the snow with me and all your friends.
It will be something to tell your grandkids someday.
Why February 12th?
I decided I needed something to motivate me to continue running through the winter and I obviously can't chicken out of a race that I am 100% responsible for.
So I hope to see you then.
If you decide to join me, please let me know.  Hope to see you all then!!


Kate -you are the prettiest runner I have ever seen. Run fast!
Julie Ulven said…
Can I stay back at the house with the kids while y'all run?

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