
Meet my...

These two are so powerful they can destroy a room in 3 seconds flat.

They are skilled professionals at dumping toys and scattering.
Watch out!  Obliviation typically occurs within a 500 foot radius of their target.

No one is safe.
They will torture you!

Don't let their sweet faces fool you.
They are always scheming.

Turn your back and another room will bite the dust!


Oh, wondering about this super cool, amazingly beautiful dining room table, chairs and bench?
Watch for a future blog post of awesomeness!

Happy Friday to you!


Julie Ulven said…
First, I love your new dining room table. Very cool. Second, I am now all caught up and your girls are beautiful! They look happy and snuggly. I am not a fan of Rachael Ray either. Martha, sometimes and Better Homes and Gardens comes through on occasion. Church cook books rock!
Happy Birthday Sarah!!

Have you ever considered calling in the National guard to keep those two little girls in control? Wouldn't do any good. CJ & Kate would just have them eating out of thier little hands.
Kids have such talent for destruction. Our house currently looks the same although I did have it cleaned up this afternoon. It is amazing how quickly they make messes!

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