Snuggling with snuggly snuggle bugs

There is a chill in the air.
And while I'd always choose summer over winter, I do like the snuggly feeling of spending hours indoors with my favorite girls.  Playing toys, watching movies, drinking hot chocolate and baking brownies.
Love it!

We've spent a lot of time with fuzzy, messy bed head and our funny farm animals.

We've stayed in our jammies longer.

We've tied on our aprons to do some the real kitchen and in the pretend one.  :)

And sometimes we can't stop smiling!

Until mom makes one of us wear a hat.  :(
But isn't she sweet!
(Notice she is wearing jammies in this photo, too!)

I hope you've found some time to snuggle up with your cutie pies, too!


Yes, there is a good feeling to curly up and watching a movie, eating popcorn or drinking hot chocolate.
Sarah you have the best life!Staying home with your pretty little girls.

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