Good Read, Good Mood

Don't you just love a good book!

I was never much of a reader.
I didn't like reading books for school and I didn't like reading books for fun.
But somewhere between college and marriage I found a love for books.

That love for books is a bit of a roller coaster, though.
I will read and read and read for a couple months and then take a break.
Part of the need for a break is finding the right book; a good book.
One that will get you excited to sit down and read.
One that makes you look forward to quiet time.  Yah, what's that?!  :)

Well I just finished a great read.
Garden Spells  by Sarah Addison Allen

Now, there is a couple of instances where they curse, but for pete's sake, I hear those same words while grocery shopping. 
I can get past it. 

I could tell you to go read this book until I'm blue in the face but that doesn't mean you will.
So what I'm gonna do for you is buy it.
That's right, Christmas comes early on Craft Tales.

Here's the skinny: Leave me a comment.  Don't email me.  Leave me a comment, please.
Take the time to create a profile and leave me a comment.
I will randomly choose a winner on Friday.
Super easy, super simple, super cool.

In your comment tell me a little something about you.
Do you love to cook?  Is your favorite hobby ice skating?  Have you ever bungee jumped? (I HAVE!)



Matt said…
My name is Matt and I don't usually read books.
Megan said…
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Megan said…
Thanks for the recommendation! I haven't been reading books lately, but I have been listening to them. Rochester Public Library has the audio version available for download! So please don't include me in the drawing. I'll have to let you know what I think when I am done listening.
Unknown said…
Hey Sarah! I found your blog on your Facebook page, and I love it! Your girls are adorable, and it's fun to hear about what's going on in your lives! :) Here's something about me...I have a blog too!

Sarah (Babs) Bathan :)
Iuse to read alot until I had kids then I read ' Little Golden Books" After they out grew those - I was too busy to read very much. Then I had grandkids and statred reading kids books again. Read more kids books for gandkids.I remember one book Sarah &
Ryan liked. It was Ragady Ann and Ragady Andy.There was one page about friends and a question" Do you have a friend." They both would sit there and shake there head yes.
After Sarah & yan moved away Michael & Matthew came along and back to reading little kids books again. Each had a favorite.
I loved those years!!!
Now that's one way to stir up some comments! Especially sarcastic ones from that silly Matt guy. ;o)

I found out I can download the book for free onto Austin's Nook, so I don't need to be entered in the drawing either, but I read the synopsis online and it sounds really good!

Now for something about me...I made a disastrous batch of white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies yesterday afternoon, gave a half of one to Lincoln against my better judgement and paid for it with projectile vomiting a few hours later. :op
megankremer said…
haha @ matt :)

I'm always looking for good books, so I love your recommendations. My grandma and I share books and I'm sure she would enjoy it as well!

Something about me... I make cakes :) I've never bunjee jumped, but I would love to skydive someday!

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