During our nightly game of hide and seek (yes, we play hide and seek A LOT!), I spotted Kate and CJ looking for my hiding spot while holding hands.  My heart melted.

Lately these two have just been in love with each other.
Kate has never complained about having CJ around.  Kate simply accepted her and never thought twice.
And now that CJ is walking, Kate occasionally takes her hand when cruising around the house.
I love it!

Something else I love...CJ in bib overalls.
Every time I see her walking in these things I burst out laughing.
She resembles my Grandpa Smith...minus the pink leopard print onesie. (Now GGMa, don't tell him I said that!)

And a couple more goofy overall pictures before I say good night.

Good night!



The holding hands thing and loving each other is so great. I caught Emily deliberately and meanly shoving Lincoln to the ground twice today along with slamming her bedroom door so he wouldn't come in. Sigh...
Could that have been Gary & Valerie back in the old days NO
How sweet.. that is so adorable. Wendell and Harlie have their playful moments but usually it ends in someone crying.

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