Zoom, zoom, sputter

As I type my quads are screaming for mercy but it was totally worth it.  Why do we put ourselves through such torture? 

I ran the Park to Park half marathon with 1,200 of my closest friends this Saturday.  The guy that won finished the race in 1 hour and 6 minutes...yep, he ran 13.1 miles in 1 hour and 6 minutes.  I couldn't even mix and bake a batch of cookies in 1 hour and 6 minutes.  Anyway, rather than keep you in suspense (ha!) I did not meet my goal time.  The race went like so...

I started off at break neck speed...yep, that there is enough to explain the reason for me missing my goal.  I made a rookie mistake despite not being a rookie.  But the excitement of race day got the better of me.  My first mile was 7:20 and by the time I reached mile 3 I realized I had just set myself a new personal record for a 5K (3 miles.)  At that point I audibly said, 'oh, poop.'  I knew this pace wasn't going to hold and not only that, I was probably going to hurt.......a lot.........for a long time........and I did. 

Mile 1:  7:20
Mile 2:  7:39
Mile 3:  7:48
Mile 4:  8:04
Mile 5:  8:20
Mile 6:  8:15
Mile 7:  8:22
Mile 8:  8:19
Mile 9:  8:41
Mile 10:  8:54
Mile 11:  9:01
Mile 12:  8:56
Mile 13:  9:05
Mile 14(.1 of a mile actually):  2:22

Final time:  1:51:07

Three minutes shy of my goal.  But I'm not at all disappointed.  I really wish I would have contained my prerace excitement but I'm still happy with the final time.  I am, however, considering finding another half marathon in the near future so I can take another stab at it.  We'll see.  Maybe I'll just wait until next summer.

One of the biggest thrills of the race came at the finish.  Yes, I was thrilled to see the finish line but I was even more thrilled when Kate jumped out of the crowd and ran the last little bit with me.  It was a total surprise.  She and I were incredibly proud to cross the finish line together.

Matt and the girls had set up shop around mile 5, which was also mile 9 due to a turn around, so I got to see them twice during the run.  Kate stood tall cheering for me with her 'GO MOM' sign while CJ scarfed down McDonald's pancakes.  Matt said Kate kept telling him she wants to be a runner like mom until she saw the front runner.  Then Kate said she 'wants to be as fast as that guy.'  Me too, Kate!

So, three cheers for a great run with great people cheering me on.  Every day of training was worth it.  I love to challenge myself and I love that I have inspired Kate to be strong like her mama!!


Matt said…
We're all very proud of you. Kate was so excited to see her Mom out there in the race. By the way, Kate says that she actually won the race when she went across at the end.
Sounds like fun.and katerunning out to run with you. Go Kate!
Great job finishing even if it wasn't quite as fast as you had wanted. You're amazing!
Great job running! Most people can't run one mile, let alone 13. let along in a good time. I know it can be disappointing to not make your goal but great advice for me as I prepare for my race in two weeks. Good job on the PR for the 5k, thats worth smiling about : )
Julie Ulven said…
Okay, that was still pretty amazing, even if you didn't meet your goal and you are awesome! (and I am one of those who can't even run across a parking lot!) I am totally impressed.
megankremer said…
You're amazing- way to go!

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