Flip n' Flop

When I uploaded the latest pictures from my camera and found this one, I let out a big, happy, relaxing sigh.
Isn't she so beautiful.

Seeing this photo makes me want to have a gaggle of girls.
Fill up our house with dozens of sweet faced, loving,cheery-eyed girls.
But they aren't always so adorable...and neither am I, to be honest.

Kids are hard.  I don't need to explain that to you.  I think just about everyone who reads my blog has kids.
And while the little kid days are tough, I worry about the teenage years to come.
Will my girls like me?  Will they think I'm a witch of a mom who they will be embarrassed to be around?


And that makes me want to freeze time so they will never come to the realization that I'm not as awesome as they think I am right now.  But I can't freeze time.  Rats.

I wish there was some magical recipe that would tell me how to keep my girls from ever thinking I'm anything but wonderful.  I'd pay thousands of dollars for that cookbook.

Such a recipe book does not exist, unfortunately. 
So for now I'll plan to continue covering them with kisses, hugs, playing lots of games and teaching them life lessons. 

Love you, girls!


Matt said…
We sure do make cute kiddos.

And don't worry about them not liking you. The key is to always give them what they want and never discipline them. See - no problems!
You should enter Kate's picture in a contest. I am sure she would win.She is a beauty!
Those pictures are absolutely adorable! I haven't spent too much time pondering the whole not-liking-me thing. It's a little depressing. However, I think there are points in each day where Emily already doesn't like me. For instance, at the current moment she has her best "mad" face on and is yelling at me to get off the computer chair b/c she insists on having the "soft" chair to sit on while drawing with markers rather than the perfectly good "hard" chair sitting two feet away. Sigh...
Very good pictures, Kate is a beauty!

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