Salad or Dessert

How does this make you feel?
Hungry?  Grossed out?
I like veggies.  Kate and CJ like some veggies.  Matt doesn't eat veggies.

What about this?  How does this make you feel?
I may like veggies but I like dessert a heck of a lot more.
Similar to my granola recipe, I've been attempting to perfect a fruit crisp recipe.
Most fruit crisps are not crispy.  They are mushy with too much fruit.
The one above is by far my best attempt.
I cut the amount of fruit by a little over half of what most recipes call for and I more than doubled the topping.
How could that not taste good, right?

It's still a work in process but it is getting close.

Guess what?!  CJ is back to her normal self...and just in time for Festival of Trails (our town celebration.)
I feel elated.  Like I won the lottery.  I LOVE to see her happy, crawling all over, big smiles and goofy grins.
And sister Kate is looking pretty darn cute, too.
Today was Kate's last day of swimming lessons.
And wouldn't you guess it, lessons were rained out...again.
The saddest part is that today was the day she was going to get her chance to jump off the diving board.
Kate told me this morning that she was going to jump off the high dive and make a big splash all over her teacher.
She is like a fish in the water...she takes after her mama.  SMILE!!!
We'll find out Tuesday whether or not she has passed level one.
If so, then I'm going to sign her up for the next session of lessons.  She loves it.


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