Surfactant Leaching & Chemical Dependency

You are probably looking at my post title and thinking...what?!  I'm reading up about surfactant leaching.  I have self diagnosed our bathroom with this disorder.  Basically, surfactants in the wall paint (I'm guessing it is some kind of chemical) is leaching and running down the walls.  According to various online 'experts' who appear much smarter than I, the leaching is due to us not giving the paint the proper amount of time to dry before showering.  Bummer.

So begins work week in the Craft household.  One project for work week is to...tackle surfactant leaching.

Work week begins tonight...although I already did some caulking so I guess it truly began this afternoon.  The caulk job took all of 30 minutes.  And yet I'm tired.  Which brings me to the second half of my post title; chemical dependency.

I'm afraid I have developed an coffee.  It all started sometime after CJ was born and proceeded to be a poor sleeper up until, oh, last week!  But hooray for good sleeping!  Love you, CJ!  I really, really love you!  But up until last week I would start each day (bright and early) with two, sometimes three, cups of coffee.  And now, I've discovered, that if I don't have any coffee I feel like a lump.  I don't get headaches or starting shaking, convulsing or twitching but I am a good-for-nothing blob.  Right now I feel like it is a morning without my coffee. 

Oh, and I didn't forget Freebie Friday.  Actually, I did up until 4 hours ago.  So I didn't plan for a giveaway.  I promise future Freebie Fridays will be more awesome.  However, just like a college kid cramming for an exam, I have scrambled and come up with a prize. 

homemade raspberry & rhubarb jam

So how do you win it?

Leave me a comment on this post and tell me one of your significant other's best qualities.
And then you have to share it with your sweetie.

Don't have a sweetie?
Then tell me about your best friend, or pet, or parent!

Feel the love and win some jam!


Sarah Craft said…
If I'm asking you to share then I better share too!

Matt is extremely patient. Something I am NOT! He is able to quiet the spontaneity in me when needed. I really like that about him. It has probably saved me from trouble more than once. And it is probably also why I do home decorating projects when he isn't around. Heehee. Thanks, Matt!
Courtney said…
Josh is an awesome teacher. I love to watch him on Wednesday nights when he is in his element and teaching the youth group at church. He loves to act like a kid with our kids. I love that about him because it's hard for me to do sometimes. He is also way better than me at saying he's sorry.
Matt said…
Surfactant Leaching sounds like a great band name.
The quality I admire most in Austin right now is his incredible self-discipline. He's on the home-stretch of the P90X program. Besides the intense 60 min./6 days/week exercise routine he completely changed his diet overnight. I can't even control cookie cravings for one day let alone completely eliminate/change overnight! If he decides he needs to do or change something he just does it. No cheating or going back.

On a totally unrelated note, are you using a bread recipe from the Artisan bread book from MMO? If so, which one? Also, I just polished off one of your chocolate chip cookies. And it was delicious! :o)
Phil is very patient, calm and laid back; especially with the kids... dealing with Wendell pooping on the potty, when we get unexpected high dollar medical bills, and well listening to me day in and day out whether I'm complaining or just yakkity yaking about life.
P.S. Bummer about the wall paint. However, I'd trade that for the mold growing on the wallpaper and popcorn ceiling in my bathroom! :op
Anonymous said…
Mike listens to all of my crazy ideas. Then he tries to figure out how we can actually make them happen....which is why we are living where we are now. Believe me, that was a total leap of faith.
Julie Ulven said…
Matt is a great out-loud reader to Mieke --he changes his voice to match the character. She just sits and stares at him. He is also very loving and affirming. He says "I love you" many times a day to us.

The surfactant leaching. Hmmm. Surfactants are what make lather in soap and make soaps work. Loosens dirt and grime. So what does that have to do with paint? Interesting.

My name is Julie and I am chemically dependent of caffeine. And your totally awesome granola!

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