Also Known As

Throughout history the world has known lots of famous aliases.

Annie Oakley

Billy the Kid

Mark Twain
(who looks remarkably like one of my grad professors!)

And now the world has one more...

This infamous 'criminal' has been known to destroy and conquer up to four outfits a day.
Her family is requesting your assistance in the purchsae of laundry detergent and onesies.
Nothing is safe with Poops on the loose.


Matt said…
This post made me almost spit water out.

"Poops" is definitely on my most wanted list.
Megan said…
Dex went through a similar phase with an average 6 poopy diapers a day for several weeks. I am thinking it was teething related. GOOD LUCK!
Courtney said…
Hilarious. Here's my tip if you haven't heard of this already. When my babies started to have lots of blow-outs, I went up a size in diapers even if they weren't at the minimum weight yet. The bigger diapers contained their messes better every time.
Oh Sarah, you crack us up. Poops will really appreciate this 18 years from now : )
Julie Ulven said…
When Mieke did the poops thing, come to think of it, she does that, I went to the next size diaper and then got those overnight diapers. I feel your pain.
Julie Ulven said…
When Mieke did the poops thing, come to think of it, she does that, I went to the next size diaper and then got those overnight diapers. I feel your pain.

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