My Poor, Sweet Kate

Kate was working on one of her best Walmart shopping performances this morning.
Like a all sweet 3 year olds she likes to skip, gallop and spin while walking done the aisles.
Hey, I don't blame her.  I bet shopping for her is super boring.
And also like other 3 year olds she often trips over her feet, but this fall was ugly.

The result: her top lip looks like a celebrity collagen job gone wrong.

Of course, Walmart employees and shoppers alike stared at me with one of those "you are a horrible mom" looks.

The poor girl was bleeding pretty good from her little lip. 
After much snuggling and consoling she stopped crying so we finished our shopping trip.
Kate with a swollen lip, red eyes and dressed in her outfit of choice; mismatched pink everything.
And me pulling around a super sad 3 year old who appears to be beat up while I have blood all over my coat.  It is amazing no one called DHS.

At the check out counter an employee noticed Kate's lip and made me fill out a form.
The manager said the form was just so she could remember to call and check up on Kate tomorrow.
But really it was a form to prevent me from suing Walmart.
And I didn't even mention that Matt is an attorney.

By the time we returned home Kate was in much better spirits.
She allowed me to take a picture of her lip.
However, she wasn't doing the best job of posing and the photos look more like mug shots.

I was laughing hysterically at these pictures because the look on her face makes the injury appear SO MUCH worse.
But when Kate saw the photos she started whimpering and muttering, "Poor Kate, my poor lip."
So sad.


Oh, Sarah. I laughed my head off while reading this post and only because I had an almost identical experience today. The kids & I ran to Wal-mart this afternoon with Emily also dressed in mismatched pink. (I'm posting a picture on our blog.) I actually was half scolded by an employee when I left my cart in the main aisle with both kids while I took 3 steps into a side aisle. Emily, too, was dancing away, swing around her new pajama set and wearing her new (slippery) "ladybug" shoes. I heard a clunk and turned to see her totally wiped out in the middle of the aisle. Luckily, she just had a bruised butt and ego! I hope Kate's lip heals fast.
Ugg.. one of those days.. sorry to hear of the trauma. I hope the rest of day gets better and Kate heals up soon!

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